
Round table seminar on ” killer robots”The Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAW)- a treat to humankind

Round table seminar on ” killer robots”The Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAW)- a treat to humankind

6 April, 2021 - 6 April, 2021

Hotel Ambassador

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

WPD Nepal organized a round table seminar on ” killer robots :The Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAW)- a treat to humankind” on February 24, 2021`at Hotel Ambassador, Kathmandu. This event was conducted to make people aware about the effects of robots on humankind.  The seminar was attended by 52 participants from different areas  : 2 participants from parliament member, 1 former parliament member, 7  Security force (Nepal Army, Nepal Police, 4 political parties , 6 civil society, 7 Student union, teacher association, 5 Academician, 3 Journalist and 2 advocate. Ms. Shobha  Pradhan Shrestha introduced all the brief information of LAWS through her presentation. whereas the round table discussion was moderated by Mr. Malla Kishor Sundar, former member of Parliament. The event was conducted successfully and at the end of the program  all the participants signed the banner in support of stooping killer robots.